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Showing posts from May, 2016

Mindfulness Meditation

In order to lead a more enlightened life, it is important first of all to understand how the human mind works. We are often unknown prisoners of our minds, swept by whatever thoughts we are having at the moment. We give our thoughts too much power. Lost in regretting our past, anticipated about the future we miss out on experiencing the present moment, where all the promise and true joy lie. Mindfulness is used by psychologist, teachers, sport coaches and workplace consultants to help people develop skills to enhance presence of here and now. Mindfulness lead to greater presence, greater presence leads to enhanced peace of mind, enhanced peace of mind leads to more happiness and more happiness leads to greater physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. STEPS - Take a few deep breaths . Inhaling and deeply exhaling slowly. Allow yourself to let go of any stress you've been feeling. Let go of any tension on your jaw. Let go of any tension on your shoulders.