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Showing posts from November, 2016

You Are Not Stuck

You are not stuck. Though it may be hard to believe at some point within your journey. you are not stuck, in one place unless you allow yourself to be, you are a being of constantly changing feelings and emotions, you have the power to impact and manipulate your journey at any given point, and each step you take forward, no matter how small it may seem, is an inch of progress that you gain. Do not allow yourself to get trapped in the mindset that you are helpless, within the point that you are, embrace each moment as a new experience, be mindful and present within each passing feeling and emotion and don't unpack your bags at every roadblock, but rather take the time you need to actively work your way through them. Validate and own your progress, especially at the points in which you feel as though you are at a standstill, honor each tiny step you take, and recognize the movement that comes with each second that travels through your journey. If you feel as though you are trapped

You Can Conquer Anything

  You can conquer anything. You can conquer any obstacle, move mountains with your presence, push through struggles and come out on the other side even stronger than you were before, one day at a time. You aren't small or insignificant- You have purpose for existing upon this earth, you have strength beyond what you could ever imaginably know, and you have the power to take steps in the right direction, day by day. Remember that when you are feeling weak how far you have come and the strength it has taken to get to this point, and that strength is still within you, waiting for you to utilize it. You have the power to overcome anything. You are much stronger and braver than you believe, you have pushed through many bad days before, and any obstacles in your way are your to conquer and overcome, step by step. You have the ability to overcome anything. You aren't weak or useless- you are here for a reason, dealing with these struggles to unlock your true potential strengt