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Showing posts from April, 2017

If You Are A Little Better Than You Were Yesterday Then That's Enough

Today if you are a little better than you were yesterday, then that's enough. Never believe that you must solve all of your problems at once, that you must be completely recover in a short time or that you are wrong of flawed for continuing to struggle- take small steps each day in the right direction, for the active effort of moving in the right direction is enough to create a gradual impact, one step at a time. Don't hold yourself to the standard that you must take giant steps in order to be successful, take your journey step by step, from going to the grocery by yourself to driving a car after not getting behind the wheel for a couple of years, or even calling a friend you have'nt talked to in a while, it is often the little steps that add up to a great amount in the end, and that ultimately have the most impact upon your journey in the right direction. Don't believe that you have failed or done something wrong if your journey is taking time. Every journey moves a

You Did Not Come This Far To Walk Away Without The Victory

You did not come this far to walk away without victory. You have not overcome all that you have to turn your back to the future. You have not fought so many battles to stand back from fighting the greater war. You were not crafted to turn back or walk away from the challenges presented to you-you were crafted to be victorious, to overcome the war placed infront of you, to lose some battles but to continue on despite any struggles along the way. You were crafted for victory. Don't allow stumbles along the way to make you  believe that you are no longer strong or worthy enough to continue fighting, everyone has stumbles, your stumbles don't define you or your strength and you are brave and strong enough to continue despite any struggles along the way. You are not worth stopping your fight, you are worth continuing to  fight onward, to continue pushing through the battles infront of you simply to turn back when one battle is lost. You have won so many more with v