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Showing posts from October, 2016

This is your permission to disobey your mental illness

This is your permission to disobey your mental illness.  This is your permission to look your disorder in the face, to recognize that lies it has told you, and to fight back against its influence. No matter how greatly your disorder/ illness has weighed upon your life. You are the one ultimately in control and you have the power to create a positive impact and change in your favour, to recognize that your illness does not define your presence upon this planet, and to decide that you are worth seeking help, recovery and healing one day at a time. Do not allow your illness to be in charge of your life, take the steps necessary to find the strength within yourself to fight back against its power, reach out for help when you feel as if though you cannot handle your struggles on your own, and give yourself the ability to be open with those who care for and support you the most. Don't give your illness permission to boss you around and control the important areas of your life, fight b

There is a life after survival

There is life after survival. There is life after your anxiety. There is life after your depression. There is life after your struggles. Your anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues do not define the expansion of your life. There is so much more to your life than your struggles. There are long walks and short car rides to pick up the people you love. There's going out for ice cream without feeling guilty and enjoying it. There are early moring sunrises and late afternoon sunsets that remind you that fallings things can still come back in a burst of light. There are late night car rides during which you roll down the windows and blare your music and  simply exist. There are special little things like your favorite dress or your morning cofee, thing that make you feel alive even in the smallest ways. There are moments and memories shared with those you hold dearest to you, happiness ahead that has yet to come, and joy that could never be put into the boundaries of tim