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When Something Scares You, It Means It's Worth It.

Change, growth,progress, development, steps these things can be scary, can be daunting, and may cause you some unrest, yet it is some of the things that scare us the most that are most worth taking the risk for, that are most worth approaching, confronting and overcoming the fear for, and each little step out of your comfort zone only pushes you further in the direction you wish to be going.

You, your progress, and your growth are all the things worth facing fear for, and the nerves and anxious energy along the way to making these much needed changes and improvements in your life only show you the things that are worth expanding and fighting for.

It's okay to be feeling fear towards change and progress, yet don't allow this sense of fear to prevent you from moving forward and positively impacting your journey; make the active effort to place your need above else, and to influence your journey in the ways that will most benefit you.

Never feel as though asking for help and care makes you a burden to those around you, don't be afraid to seek support and help, and to request that they support you in each change and decision you need to make benefit your journey.

And yes, this is your journey; you know what you need to do for yourself in order to help yourself through it, and though it may be frightening to ask for help and to fight for progress in the right direction never allow anyone else to tell you that your choices are invalid.

Own your emotions and feelings, and don't feel fear to accept them as a part of your life, they are worth accepting and recognizing, defining their presence and working back against them day by day, step by step. You are worth each step.

You are worth the changes, decisions and choices that benefit you, that help you to grow, and that help you overcome certain ascepts of your fear and learn to cope with others.

Do not allow the fear of getting help or helping yourself stop you from those around you, and take each bit of progress you make step by step, moment by moment, and day by day in the journey ahead of you.

One day at a time.


Unknown said…
Hi...this is Sameer!!! Read all your blog and really appreciate your writing skills. You are a talent,indeed!!! I liked it and I feel curious on what compels you to write so intense? Anyways, I believe you can do very well in giving motivational therapy sessions and a lot of people will be benefited!!!! Keep up the good work!!! All the best!!!
Ishan said…
Indeed, you are quite right, the stagnation out of fear is the biggest compromise one has to make when the urge is to give up, which requires a constant resistance and patience. Life, like water moves on, and that gives an adequate metaphorical representation that if the thing is worth fighting for, one ought to achieve success. Beyond the frontiers which are barred by our limited sight lies the freedom to conquer the same fear which has the power to stagnate us. Thank you.

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