A tiny step of courage is always a good place to start.
A little leap of bravery is always a great place to build from.
Never feel the need to tackle it headfirst without breaking it apart and taking your progress in pieces;always recognize your steps as individual parts, give yourself the time and care you need to push part little boundaries and work to expand the edges of your comfort zone with each passing day.
Do not try to overcome huge and monstrous fears in your mind all at once; ease into the idea of facing and overcoming them, and reach out for help at the point in which you feel you are past your limit in order to find the footing you need to continue pressing onward.
There is no isolated box in which you are required to sit and work through the knowlegde you have in order to keep making progress in the direction you wish to be headed and sometimes, asking for help can be the most on a path to take many more steps of courage ahead.
You are allowed to feel fear, yet steps of bravery would not be considered so unless there is some fear involved; allow yourself, the absolute to recognize the strength and bravery you contain, and allow that to combat against the fear in order to take the steps you need towards ultimately overcoming it, expanding your zone of comfort, and finding a more stablized, happy and healthy state of mind sometimes, the smallest steps can ultimately have the greatest impact upon your journey, will yourself to take those steps of courage, surround yourself to take those steps of courage, surround yourself with the support and care you need to do so, and continue to work back against and combat your fears one step at a time.