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Take all the time you need.                                                                                                                      
To recognize and face your fear, to open up to those around you, about your struggles, to fight back to heal, to recover; take the time you need for yourself in order to handle each step along the way, to fight back against the fear that has tried to restrain you, and to continue working forward in your
progress from the point you are currently at.

Never feel as if though you are forced to hurry or rush through any part of your journey simply because they are difficult, open journey to the experience, no matter how long it may take in the process, and give yourself the time you need in order to cope with your current struggle and to continue working through them, while surrounding you along the way.

Don't continue to climb to the weight of the past, and don't place the hands of fate into the coming
future: be present within every moment of your journey, be mindful of all the feelings and thoughts of this moment, and give them the time they need to impact your life in the way they are meant to, while giving yourself time to pick up any broken pieces of the circumstances you are within now and heal.

Never feel as if though you must maintain a certain pace or a specific layout of time, give your individual journey time to play out how it is meant to, take each piece and part of your journey moment by moment, and allow yourself the mental and physical time needed to face up to your fear, to heal after each battle, and to ultimately work towards recovery, day by day.
This is your journey.

Your journey to travel, to progress, to work through and to ultimately be victorious over; take all the time you need to fight through each battle, to heal and recover, to surround yourself with those who can support you to process and move forward in your progress, and to tackle every bit of the miles still ahead of you, One day at time.


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