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Its Okay to cry , the sky does it too !

Its okay to feel sadness and remorse towards the time you've lost to your mental disorder,
 and it's okay to be afraid of the fact that you lost time.

Yet, one thing rings true : No matter what time you feel you've lost to your mental illness, it was time you spent gaining strength, courage, and wisdom for the road ahead and though you are allowed to feel sadness and mourn that time that mental illness may have taken from your life, also be grateful for that time, in knowing it has brought you to the exact point you need to be at today.

You may have missed out on or been overwhelmed by, to feel angry over the cancelled plans and the interruptions of treatment and therapy, to feel remorse towards what your mental disorder has taken from you. AND, you are also allowed to be proud of what the time gave you.
You are also allowed to, at the same time as mourning, recognize that your mental illness was just as much as a blessing as it was a curse, as it gave you qualities and abilities that you may have never found in yourself had they not been present.

You may mourn, AND you may rejoice, for it may have taken some things from you, yet your mental illness has also given you more than you may be able to recognize at this point in your journey, as it has bestowed strength, bravery and wisdom and so much more upon you and your life.
So mourn, Take sad days and be angry, get upset, vent to people, yell at the sky, do what you have to do to mourn that lost time. And, when you're done mourning, pick yourself back up.

Be grateful . Smile .
Go on a walk and know your legs aren't shaking from anxiety because you have moments of freedom, look at the sky and love the expansion of it because depression could never steal the beauty of the world from you, be grateful for all the time with your mental illness has given you and open your heart to accpeting the time and moving forward with the intention of appreciating every moment for what it has and will give you each day.

And, take it one precious day at a time. 
-Blessings and Love


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