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When Something Scares You, It Means It's Worth It.

Change, growth,progress, development, steps these things can be scary, can be daunting, and may cause you some unrest, yet it is some of the things that scare us the most that are most worth taking the risk for, that are most worth approaching, confronting and overcoming the fear for, and each little step out of your comfort zone only pushes you further in the direction you wish to be going. You, your progress, and your growth are all the things worth facing fear for, and the nerves and anxious energy along the way to making these much needed changes and improvements in your life only show you the things that are worth expanding and fighting for. It's okay to be feeling fear towards change and progress, yet don't allow this sense of fear to prevent you from moving forward and positively impacting your journey; make the active effort to place your need above else, and to influence your journey in the ways that will most benefit you. Never feel as though asking for help and car
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Stand up for what is right, even if you stand alone. Only you know what is right for your journey; never change the course of your journey towards something you don't believe in simply because of the actions or desires of others,  always stand up for your beliefs and values along the way, and even if you stand alone,  and don't stray from the journey you have ahead of you because of other people's preference or ideas of yourself. Don't alter your journey because of the wishes of others along the way,  you know what is best for yourself,and you have the right to follow the path to a life worth living, never change them due to the desires and values of those around you,  stay on course with the values that matter to you,  and give yourself permission to follow the values that will take you to the future you wish to live in. Don't allow others to live your journey,  hold to the values you are about, and own and honor what you want for the journey and progress still


                                                                                             Take all the time you need.                                                                                                                       To recognize and face your fear, to open up to those around you, about your struggles, to fight back to heal, to recover; take the time you need for yourself in order to handle each step along the way, to fight back against the fear that has tried to restrain you, and to continue working forward in your progress from the point you are currently at. Never feel as if though you are forced to hurry or rush through any part of your journey simply because they are difficult, open journey to the experience, no matter how long it may take in the process, and give yourself the time you need in order to cope with your current struggle and to continue working through them, while surrounding you along the way. Don't continue to climb to the weight of th


That middle ground is called life. That's what you should focus on- not ahead of or behind you, but rather in the moment, in the present, and on the experience around you that are shaping you into the strong, independent person you are destined to become. Let go of what you can't control-worry, after all won't change what is out of your reach, so have faith in what is ahead, and focus your energy into what you do have the ability to impact for the better. What makes the present worth living in for you?


                                                                                                    A tiny step of courage is always a good place to start. A little leap of bravery is always a great place to build from. Never feel the need to tackle it headfirst without breaking it apart and taking your progress in pieces;always recognize your steps as individual parts, give yourself the time and care you need to push part little boundaries and work to expand the edges of your comfort zone with each passing day. Do not try to overcome huge and monstrous fears in your mind all at once; ease into the idea of facing and overcoming them, and reach out for help at the point in which you feel you are past your limit in order to find the footing you need to continue pressing onward. There is no isolated box in which you are required to sit and work through the knowlegde you have in order to keep making progress in the direction you wish to be headed and sometimes, asking for help can be the

If You Are A Little Better Than You Were Yesterday Then That's Enough

Today if you are a little better than you were yesterday, then that's enough. Never believe that you must solve all of your problems at once, that you must be completely recover in a short time or that you are wrong of flawed for continuing to struggle- take small steps each day in the right direction, for the active effort of moving in the right direction is enough to create a gradual impact, one step at a time. Don't hold yourself to the standard that you must take giant steps in order to be successful, take your journey step by step, from going to the grocery by yourself to driving a car after not getting behind the wheel for a couple of years, or even calling a friend you have'nt talked to in a while, it is often the little steps that add up to a great amount in the end, and that ultimately have the most impact upon your journey in the right direction. Don't believe that you have failed or done something wrong if your journey is taking time. Every journey moves a