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Showing posts from September, 2016

Healing is Yours

Healing is yours. Growth is yours. Recovery is yours. This journey is yours.  While it may feel as though recovery and healing are out of your reach from whatever point you are at within your own individual journey, you have a right to healing, you have the capacity to heal, and you are worth every battle of the war leading up to recovery, a war that you are destined to conquer and ultimately move forward from , one day at a time. So take it day by day. Never get trapped within the mindset that you are no longer worth fighting for, you are worth recovery, worth experiencing, worth healing and you have every bit of wisdom and strength to help you get a grasp on to that healing, no matter how long it may take or how much of your journey you still have left to travel before you reach that point. Do not allow others to tell you what you must do or the choices that you must make in order to find recovery along the course of the journey you are travelling, and you should surround yourself

You Can Conquer Anything !

You can conquer anything, You can overcome any obstacle, move mountains with your presense, push through struggles and come out on the other side even stronger than you were before, one day at a time. You aren't small or insignificant - You have purpose for existing upon this earth, you have strength beyond what you could ever imaginably know, and you have the power to take steps in the right direction, day by day.  Remember that when you are feeling weak how far you have come and the strength it has taken to get to this point, and that strength is still within you, waiting for you to utilize it. You have the power to overcome anything. You are aren't weak or useless- you are here for a reason, dealing with these struggles to unlock your true potential strength, and you have within you the ability to continue fighting and working towards peace, health and happiness , and the moment you realize this will be the moment that you are truly one step closer to overcoming your st

Happiness is Here and Now !

A few ways to practice mindfulness- Choose one of your five senses and focus on it wholly. Perhaps you are slowing down to really taste your food,  observing the smell of many flowers in your garden, or watching the sunrise/set without allowing your mind to wander. Close your eyes (or fix your gaze on an non moving object) and bring your focus to your breath. Inhale and Exhale . Focus on the sensations in your body, and allow wandering thoughts to visit and pass on as you bring your focus back to your breath. If you find it helpful, you can also add a mantra to your breath, such as "Breathe in peace, Exhale chaos." or " breathe in 'I acknowledge' (whatever emotion is at the forefront of your mind), exhale 'I care for' (whatever emotion is on the forefront of your mind.) Run your hands under cold water or hold ice cubes until they melt and focus on the sensation of how it makes your hands feel. One should mindfully participate in an

Stop and Breathe !

Stop and breath . Take a step back. What do you need right now? A nap? A break? Some water? A shower? Take a breath, refocus yourself, assess your priorities and remember to keep breathing and do what is best for you in the moment. Do what will benefit your mental and physical health best in the moment. Maybe it's doing yoga, going for a walk, stretching out on the couch with a book or meditating, but whatever it is, make sure it is there, with good intentions to get yourself centered and grounded and in a good mind space, and don't forget to take some deep breaths, make wise mind decisions and allow yourself to take care of yourself and your needs in the moment. Take a breather right now.  Think about what your needs are currently; are you feeling mentally or physically fatigued? Allow yourself to take a break and refocus, don't beat yourself up for having needs that every normal human has, and vie yourself what your body and mind both crave in order

Within us there is a Little Universe !

We are essential but that we are the same energy that makes up this universe. The universe recycles everything, nothing escapes the universe, it is all contained in it. When this body dies, the universe recycles it. We aren't as important as we think we are, we are just this universe. The death is of the body, not ours. Nothing escapes the universe . We are just the universe, expressing ourselves as human beings for a little while now. Human body and cosmic body is similar, just like there is a human mind, there is a cosmic mind. The most beautiful thing in the universe is the starry heaven above us and the lights of the stars shining within us. We often forget to listen to the little voices in the universe which wants to just remind us the purpose of being on this earth. Within us there is a LITTLE UNIVERSE ! -Blessings and love. 

I am in charge of how i feel and today i am choosing happiness !

You did not come this far to walk away without the victory. You have not overcome all that you have to turn your back to the future. You have not fought so many battles to stand back from fighting in the greater war. You were not crafted to turn back or walk away from the challenges presented to you-you were crafted to be victorious to overcome the war placed infront on you, to lose some battles but to continue on despite any struggles along the way. You were crafted for victory. Don't allow stumbles along the way to make you believe that you are no longer strong or worthy enough to continue fighting- everyone has stumbles, your stumbles don't define you or your strength, and you are brave and strong enough to continue despite any struggles along the way to make you believe that you are no longer strong and worthy enough to continue fighting, everyone has stumbles, your stumbles don't define you or your strength, you are brave and strong enough to continue despite any st

Embrace Your Journey

Embrace  your  journey .  You are'nt given the journey by accident or by chance. This is YOUR journey. Not your friend's journey, not your family's journey, not the journey of the last person you dated or your father or your mother's journey This is 100% your journey,crafted specifically for you and its time to embrace it, validate and honor every bit of your journey, both what's behind you and what's ahead day by day. This journey is not mistake and it is not by chance that you are given this journey ; this is your journey, singular and irreplaceable, and you were meant to follow this path, learn and grow from every experience along the way, and fight through every battle while celebrating every victory , one step at a time.  This journey doesn't belong to those around you, only you can have ownership over this journey and only you are in charge of where this journey takes you and how it shapes the person you are becoming with every battle and step along

Its Okay to cry , the sky does it too !

Its okay to feel sadness and remorse towards the time you've lost to your mental disorder,  and it's okay to be afraid of the fact that you lost time. Yet, one thing rings true : No matter what time you feel you've lost to your mental illness, it was time you spent gaining strength, courage, and wisdom for the road ahead and though you are allowed to feel sadness and mourn that time that mental illness may have taken from your life, also be grateful for that time, in knowing it has brought you to the exact point you need to be at today. You may have missed out on or been overwhelmed by, to feel angry over the cancelled plans and the interruptions of treatment and therapy, to feel remorse towards what your mental disorder has taken from you. AND, you are also allowed to be proud of what the time gave you. You are also allowed to, at the same time as mourning, recognize that your mental illness was just as much as a blessing as it was a curse, as it gave you qualities and

The Trick is to " Keep Breathing " !

We breathe each day. We breathe with an effortless thought about those breaths, an unconscious action to keep our bodies alive. We only truly become conscious of these breaths when someone reminds us that we are in fact living and breathing creatures , in which we choose to generally focus on this breath, which can sometimes lead for us to manipulate it. We may speed it up our breath when drawn to it, or slow it down, or stop breathing all together at the fear of having a controlled presence over something coming so natural to us. But I want to take a minute to invite you to focus on your breath , without manipulation. Just focus on it. Inhale , exhale, take a long deep breath in, and release it. Do you feel that? You are giving something back. Each time you draw a breath, you give something back, feed life back into the world in the form of carbon dioxide, which trees then use to feed their need of life. Think about that for a moment. You are giving back life with your existence